
Stay Warm Without Overheating: Winter Layering ...
Winter hikes can be a delicate balancing act. The cold, crisp morning air at higher elevations makes you want to bundle up in thick layers, but steep terrain quickly generates...
Stay Warm Without Overheating: Winter Layering ...
Winter hikes can be a delicate balancing act. The cold, crisp morning air at higher elevations makes you want to bundle up in thick layers, but steep terrain quickly generates...

What is Ultralight Hiking?
「輕量」的目的是簡化登山裝備,以最輕的配置走完登山行程。(為期 2 天的和為期 10 天的登山行程可不會一樣)。換句話說,你只要帶上需要的裝備即可,除此之外都不帶。這不表示東西越少越好,關鍵是確保裝備能讓你開開心心登山、安安全全回家,同時盡可能減少不必要的負擔。
What is Ultralight Hiking?
「輕量」的目的是簡化登山裝備,以最輕的配置走完登山行程。(為期 2 天的和為期 10 天的登山行程可不會一樣)。換句話說,你只要帶上需要的裝備即可,除此之外都不帶。這不表示東西越少越好,關鍵是確保裝備能讓你開開心心登山、安安全全回家,同時盡可能減少不必要的負擔。

Mastering the Art of Layering
When you're gearing up for a hiking adventure, nailing your layers can make all the difference between a day of total comfort or battling the elements. Layering isn’t just about...
Mastering the Art of Layering
When you're gearing up for a hiking adventure, nailing your layers can make all the difference between a day of total comfort or battling the elements. Layering isn’t just about...